Saturday, 23 April 2016

Connexus Talent Show - 04/22/16

No nerves for these two! "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with ocarinas.
2:30 - Cup Rhythm (Photo credit: Michaela).
3:30 - Some last minute recorder practice / on stage
4:30 - Presented a collaborative monster drawing
("Robot Dragon" is now a wall decoration in our classroom)
Other acts included "Banana Magic" (cutting bananas with their minds),
…head and shoulder, knees and toes (2:30 phonics classes),
…more musical performances, 
…spelling bees,
…jump rope,
…a "How to" on making muffins,
...and some skits! ("Used Car World" Skit)
(Aladin Skit)
("Getting ready for bed" Teacher skit; I was Matt's arms).